Traits of the Selfish Life

There is a whole lot of self engrossment in our society.  The average American is entirely wrapped up in their whole being.  One man put it this way: “A selfish heart is a heart that only cares about the holy trinity, ME, MYSELF, and I!”

Once this insidious vice of the selfish life grabs hold of one’s heart, it can drag a person down a dangerous path of destruction.  For when one has a selfish heart, one will do whatever they need to do to get what their heart wants.

The selfish life has ruined many marriages, families, and lives.  Our prisons are full of folks who did things from a selfish heart that landed them there.  It is when we are ruled by selfishness that our minds allow us to justify anything and everything so long as we get what we want.  Be careful of the selfish life.

The selfish life will cause us to hate and “kill” that which God has given us.  It will lead to covetousness and envy.  If you let selfishness in to your heart, you will never be satisfied with what God gives you. 

1. Self-Centered. This occurs when a person is absorbed in self.  No one enjoys a self-centered person. It is easy to see when others are self-centered. Sometimes, though, it is hard to recognize in one’s self.

“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:   I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.  (Isaiah 14:13).”

This is a trait that is strait from Satan.  He was consumed with himself although he was created to bring praise to God.  He eventually wanted praise for himself.  This Satanic trait is still very evident in this world today.  This world is Satan’s domain and it has the characteristics of its boss—a me-centered society.  As believers, we need to make sure that we don’t exhibit this devilish trait by always making things about us.  Is our conversation, our thoughts, our motives and even our service to others centered around ourselves?  We need to have others at the heart of our work and ministry.

2. Self-Conceited. This is an exaggerated estimation of one’s own ability or powers, overconfidence in self.

A radio preacher, after delivering a sermon entitled, Maturity in the Spirit, asked his listeners to send in letters about their Christian Life. One man wrote, “I’m glad to write you about my Christian life. I don’t smoke. I don’t touch alcohol. I don’t gamble. I am faithful to my wife and never go to the movies. I go to bed early every night and I rise with the dawn. I’ve been living like this for three years now, but just wait until next spring when they let me out of this place.”  J

“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.  (Romans 12:3)”

Notice what the verse indicates.  We are to have a humble consideration of ourselves. This means that we will have to fight the flesh in this area. We will want to think that we have earned what we have gotten; we have struggled and practiced for the right to have what we have.  This is not considering the goodness and mercy of the Lord in our lives. When one is conceited, he is full of pride. God hates pride and resists the proud.  Look up the passages in Proverbs 16:18 and James 4:6 and 10.  They reveal to us God’s thoughts about self-conceit. 3. Self-Willed.  One who is self-willed is stubborn, set on having his